Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Wretched Choice: Mission Statement

This blog is for the five-figure earner with the six-figure law school debt, the admin-cum-lawyer, the attorney without a practice.  This blog is for the 55% of new lawyers who haven't yet found permanent, full-time legal work.

Maybe you’ve already made the wretched choice to attend law school.  Maybe you went so far as to graduate, perhaps even pass the bar.  Your debt is probably well over $50k, and you’ve been out of work for…. 6 months?  a year?  two years?

You’re not alone.

Many, many lawyers are pounding pavement in search of a job.  You know the story:  First, you submit job applications only for attorney positions.  Then, okay, maybe paralegal.  Next, you find yourself crumbling to apply for any professional job — human resources?  education?

And then, on that self-pity run to Walgreens one night for shiny, holiday-themed chocolates, the idea comes to put in an application right then and there at the counter.  It might not help much towards loans, but at least you’d stay alive.

And they reject your application.  (Because, really, who wants a lawyer looking over their shoulder?)
No, you cannot go back in time.
 Source: thethreesisters on flickr

The life of a new lawyer in the 2010′s is not easy.

But let’s step back and mobilize.  Yes, this sucks.  No, you didn’t know it was going to happen.  Yes, you would go back in time if you could, to lock your pre-law self in a closet and burn all school applications.  No, you can’t go back in time to undo law school, or its debt, or the time it devoured from your life.  You can only move forward.

And yes, you can move forward into financial success and personal happiness.  Truly.

This blog exists for two purposes:

One, to gently urge people to NOT GO TO LAW SCHOOL, WHATEVER YOU DO.

Two, to provide a forum of hope for those of us who went.  We did the deed; we adopted the debt; we are attorneys without practice.

But we can still make good.